The man hunched over his motorcycle can focus only on the present... he is from both the past and the future... he has no fear, because the source of fear is in the future, and a person freed of the future has nothing to fear.
- Milan Kundera
Anderson Miller Racing (AMR) is an independently funded team composed of longtime friends, Lucas Anderson and Sean Miller. AMR was created the winter of 2014 in Chicago, IL when it was questioned as to how fast we thought a 500cc pushrod motorcycle could go... At this point, Sean convinced Luke to trade his 1961 Rambler for a partially running 1979 Honda CX500. You could say it’s a touchy subject for Luke to this day.
Over the past few years the bike has been incrementally engineered beyond it’s intended design, with sites set to compete in multiple land speed racing categories within the 500cc pushrod blown fuel classes.
Both are current members of the Southern California Timing Association's, Gear Grinders Racing Club. Independently of one another, Luke and Sean headed west the winter of 2017 to Irvine, CA where the racing continues.
7628 Palo Verde
Irvine, CA